Time & Location
03 Oct 2024, 13:00 – 16:30
Irvine, 126-128 Harbour St, Irvine KA12 8PZ, UK
About the event
Using a palette knife is a fun and interesting way to paint! Good for anyone who wants to loosen up and get texture and movemnet in their work. Also great for total beginners!
Follow a series of demonstrations by an experienced and qualified artist and learn how to create beautiful colour mixes with blues and greens. Create texture waves and have fun splashing at the end for a sea-spray effect. Take home your very own masterpiece with advice and suggestions on how to frame your work.
All materials and refreshments supplied.
Parking outside on Harbour Street - please note lunchtimes can get busier so please allow yourself time to get a space.
Disabled parking available in Courtyard.
WC facilities including disabled.